.. _GitLab: ================================ Building and Deploying on GitLab ================================ `GitLab CI/CD `_ is a popular continuous integration service which offers free plans to everyone. Thanks to an `Alpine Linux package by Jakub Jirutka `_ installing emscripten in GitLab CI/CD is literally a one line task. A sample .gitlab-ci.yml ======================= .. code-block:: yaml image: alpine:3.9 before_script: - apk add emscripten make --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing pages: script: - make artifacts: paths: - public only: - main Let's break it down: .. code-block:: yaml before_script: - apk add emscripten make --repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing In the before_script stage we download the package from the Alpine Linux testing repository. This step also contains the command to add an additional build tool *make*. .. code-block:: yaml script: - make In the script stage we can now run the commands we want. In this sample we are using *make*, but you can call *emcc* directly if you prefer. For an example of this setup in practice, see `the Example Emscripten site using GitLab Pages `_.