The topics in this section cover the main integration points that you need to consider when porting C/C++ code to Emscripten, along with general coding and debugging guidelines.
- Code Portability and Limitations
- Emscripten Runtime Environment
- Connecting C++ and JavaScript
- Files and File Systems
- Multimedia and Graphics
- Audio
- Debugging
- Pthreads support
- Networking
- Using SIMD with WebAssembly
- GCC/Clang SIMD Vector Extensions
- WebAssembly SIMD Intrinsics
- Limitations and behavioral differences
- Optimization considerations
- Compiling SIMD code targeting x86 SSE* instruction sets
- Compiling SIMD code targeting ARM NEON instruction set
- C++ Exceptions Support
- C setjmp-longjmp Support
- Asynchronous Code
- Building Projects